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2022-03-09 15:03:48


USDJPY price action has broken out of the current range as bullish momentum takes the pair back towards the 116.15 resistance line. In the past, this resistance line has been an obstacle for rallies with bearish reversals, therefore strong bullish conviction will be required to drive the break   


USDJPY的价格走势已突破当前区间,因为看涨势头将该货币对带回 116.15 阻力线。 过去,这条阻力线一直是看跌反转反弹的阻碍,因此需要强烈的看涨信念来推动突破。



The GBPUSD pair has stalled at the 1.310 support line as another sell-off takes the pair to new recent lows. A stall in the trend could merely be a resting period before further downside which will ultimately be governed by fundamentals.


GBPUSD停滞在 1.310 支撑线,因为另一场抛售使该货币对跌至近期新低。趋势的停滞可能只是进一步下跌之前的休息期,最终将由基本面决定。




The EURUSD is beginning to pull away from the 1.085 support level as buyers appear to have returned to the pair in the last few trading sessions. Sellers were still active in yesterday's trading therefore, any rally attempt will still need to overcome residual bearish sentiment. 


EURUSD开始脱离 1.085 支撑位,因为买方似乎在过去几个交易日回到该货币对。 因此,卖方在昨天的交易中仍然活跃,任何反弹尝试仍需要克服剩余的看跌情绪。




The USDCAD has broken the consolidation channel that had contained price action since January, with price action driving through the 1.282 resistance line. The next target is the 1.293 price ceiling. Momentum indicators have upward trajectories, extending into bullish territory. 


USDCAD从 1 月以来一直包含价格走势的盘整通道突破,价格走势突破 1.282 阻力线。下一个目标是 1.293 的价格上限。动量指标具有向上的轨迹,延伸至看涨区域。




The XAUUSD rally has blitzed through the 1998 price line as strong bullish conviction drives price action beyond $2000 per ounce level. The rally continues to sharpen its exponential and therefore it will take a huge shift in sentiment to reverse the current trajectory. 


由于强烈的看涨信念推动价格走势超过每盎司 2000 美元水平,XAUUSD 的反弹已经突破 1998 的价格线。反弹继续呈指数级增长,因此需要情绪发生巨大转变才能扭转当前的轨迹。




The JP225 index has bounced off the 24,674 support level with a moderate return of buyers. Selling activity persists which may indicate difficulty in forming a bullish reversal. Momentum indicators are undergoing bullish reversals with RSI returning from oversold conditions. 


JP225 指数已从 24,674 点的支撑位反弹,买方温和回归。 抛售活动持续存在,这可能表示难以形成看涨反转。动量指标正经历看涨逆转,相对强弱指数(RSI)从超卖状态恢复。



The US500 is testing the 4145 support level and even with the retirn of buyers in the early Asian trading session, a bearish bias dominates in both long-term and short-term horizons. Given the lack of support for buyers, a break seems inevitable.


US500 正在测试 4145 的支撑位,即使在亚洲早盘交易时段出现买方退出的情况下,看跌偏见在长期和短期内都占主导地位。鉴于缺乏对买方的支持,中断似乎不可避免。 


In the event of any discrepancies between the Chinese version and English version of the Daily Insights, the latter shall prevail.



This article is to be used only as a reference, not as a basis for trading.

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